Monday, February 10, 2014

God's "Out of the Box" Plans

"For I know the plans I have for you, declares The Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future".

If I had a dollar for every time I have heard this verse in my life. It was one of the first that I memorized. It was thrown around during difficult times with my family. It was written in more graduation cards than I can count. But at 28 years of age... I have finally stopped and realized how amazing it is.

I have also learned that it is easy to be excited when your plan and God's plan are the same. When they are drastically different... That's another story. I am starting this blog because I have a story to tell. I am now in the middle of an Out of the Box, or unusual plan, that I have no doubt is God's plan for me. Through the past two years, I have been blessed in more ways than I would honestly ever deserve. But that is not all that has happened in these years.

I have also realized how much myself and others put God in a box. I have had countless people question my life,choices and actions. And if I'm honest, I had many conversations with God, and admitted to Him that I didn't always understand. The path He has for me is not normal.  I can't compare it with my friends. Most people just don't understand. It isn't the life that my friends are leading. It's different in every way.... And I love it!

So, how did I become the mom of 2 middle school kiddos???  I can't wait to share! I hope this blog will answer questions that I know are out there. I pray God can use this to remind us all that He is a God of amazing different plans for us all, and those plans don't always fit into a mold. And mostly, I hope my kids can look back at this one day and see our amazing God story. I always hope the story of us becoming a family, doesn't point them towards me, but to see how loved they are by Him.


  1. can't wait! and I couldn't find a place to "follow" or "subscribe" but I want to!

  2. Yay!! I am looking forward to hearing your story!!

  3. God has certainly brought you through this and continues with you! Love hearing your story in full!

  4. You are an amazing mom, daughter, granddaughter, friend, and writer. Keep it up! Always know how much I love you, how proud I am of you, and how much I love being Grandma Ang!

  5. I love you so much sis! I'm so proud of you. Glad you're sharing your amazing story with the world!
